Thursday, February 26, 2009

What Are You Working On Lately?

This candy jar has each young woman’s name on a piece of paper (we include the leaders, too). Each Sunday, the young woman conducting opening exercises draws a name from the jar. The one picked tells us what experience or project she is currently working. Rewarded with a piece of candy! They get the point -- always be working on something. Thanks to our ward YW Presidency for this fabulous idea that helps keeps the YW who have completed the program involved.


  1. Hi, I stumbled upon your blog and am grateful I did. You have some great ideas. I have forwarded your blog url to our YW leader. I am becoming a follower of you because I also have a YW, and these are great ideas I can use as well.

  2. I stumbled across your blog & I have to tell you I Love it!!!
    You have the best ideas that I have seen.
    Thank you so much for sharing.
    I love to do creative things, but my mind isn't so creative.
    It's so nice of you to share for everyone like me.
    I will be back for sure.
    Your going on my blog roll.
    Thank you again.

  3. I too have stumbled across your blog and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Thanks for all the great ideas! Thanks for taking the time to do this I know it cant be that easy!! ~Alisha ~

  4. I really have been googling one thing after another trying to find new and fun ideas for the new year... your blog has been the most helpful.. Thanks for taking the time for some of us not so creative people to come up with the ideas on our own!!!
