Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sweet Accomplishment! Candy Bar Poster

Thanks Jeannie R. for this fabulous idea for a candy bar poster! Jeannie's original poster incorporated other fantastic items like:

You are a joy (Almond Joy) to work with in YW.
You blew (bubble gum or bubbles) us away with your hard work and knowledge of the gospel.
You always knew the reason (Riesen) you needed to get things done.
You were always rolling (Rolo or Tootsie Roll) along in your progress.
You were never a dud (Milk Duds).
No one can Snicker (Snickers) at you.
Now Skittle (Skittles) on along helping others out.
Be that great example by showing them the way (Milky Way).
Go forward and shine because you were always mint to be a star (mint, Starburst)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Put Your Heart Into Personal Progress

Put Your Heart into Personal Progress!

"The Original Quick Release Lollipop Mold!" can be purchased from Sweet Creations at They also have flavoring, sticks, and bags. These molds are so fun and easy to use! Spray the molds with a non-stick cooking spray. Place molds on a sprayed flat surface (marble slab or new, flat cookie sheet work nicely). Place clip over tabs of mold and insert sucker stick between tabs.

Hard Candy Recipe:
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup white corn syrup
1/2 cup water
1/2 teaspoon flavoring*
food coloring
Combine sugar, water, and corn syrup in small saucepan. Cook on medium high to 300 degrees (hard crack). Remove from heat and let cool to 275 degrees then add flavoring and food coloring. Stir until blended. Pour into molds (sprayed with non-stick cooking spray). Allow to cool until candy is set.
Remove clip from mold then remove mold from lollipop.

I have also found flavoring, sticks, and bags at Roberts, Michaels, and WalMart.
*use 1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon depending on concentration of flavoring

Friday, January 16, 2009

Get the Lead Out!

C'mon Get the Lead Out! and work on Personal Progress. Thanks Dee for submitting this cute idea!

B'Chic Mechanical Pencils purchased at Target 6 for $2.99.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Personal Progress Rewards

The color of each basket and its contents correspond with the color of a Young Women Value. When a Young Woman completes a Value Experience or Value Project she gets to choose her Value Reward. Rewards include lip gloss, lotion, bubble bath, bath gel, bath fizz, pens, pencils, highlighters, stickers, candy, gum, locker accessories, picture frames, nail polish, nail files, note books, cd covers, magnets, picture clips, etc. When we started this program, we let each Young Woman "catch up" and choose a reward for each item she had complete. Loot bags were needed that first night! Most items were purchased at a dollar store in packages of 2,3,4 or more. Candy and gum are the least expensive -- but lip gloss and bath gel are the most popular! White, yellow, and purple are the most difficult to find -- so keep an eye out for them!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Daughter HATES Personal Progress

I don't understand how she can hate something that I love so much. She's 14. When I was her age, I loved personal progress. My parents never had to coax me to work on it. I just did it, enjoyed it, and had meaningful experiences with it. Naturally, I thought she would be the same. Her first six months in Young Women, I didn't bother her about it. She did nothing. The next year-and-a-half I reminded, encouraged, rewarded, begged, sat and did it with her . . . but it's just another box to check, a chore that mom wants her to do. My prodding wasn't helping. I decided to stop nagging and let her choose to do it on her own. Now, six months later, nothing has been accomplished.

This weekend I started with "you know, Personal Progress brings you closer to the Savior". Nice try. Sunday morning I suggested (admittedly, I announced) that it was time to work on Personal Progress. She threw a fit -- whined like my 3-year-old and dragged herself across the floor to her room to get the book. All she needed to do was write in her journal about her Individual Worth #4 experience (she participated in a school band concert) . After 20 minutes of whining and 3 minutes of silence she brought it to me to pass off. Her journal stated "I wanted to quit band, but my mom wouldn't let me. Now I'm a better flute player."

I think I'm most heart-broken because she doesn't want to be like me.

Five Reasons to Love Personal Progress

Five Reasons to Love Personal Progress (Jan Pinborough, New Era, Nov 2006, 32-36). My favorite article on Personal Progress. This booklet is half-page size with 6 pages -- the cover + 1 page for each of the five reasons. I typed the entire article.

(1) Because It Can Change The World; (2) Because It Can Change You; (3) Because You're So Busy; (4) Because It Leads You To The Temple; (5) Because It Can Help You Reach Your Dreams.

#3 is kind of tricky -- you think you're too busy to do Personal Progress. In reality, it helps you take time in your busy life for the things that are most important to you.

I tried to pick a favorite -- but can't. All are inspiring!!

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Comments Hidden To Protect Email Addresses

Thanks for your many wonderful comments! I am hiding the comments that have email addressess -- hopefully this will protect against unwanted spam in your inbox.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

PDF Files Available

I have PDF files that are much cleaner than the picture files uploaded on this blog. If you would like a PDF file, please leave a comment on this post with your email address and which PDF file you would like.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Highlight Your Day

Highlight Your Day With Personal Progress. Attached a small highlighter purchased in the dollar bins at Target.

Inch By Inch

Achieve Your Personal Progress Goals Inch By Inch. Attached a ruler-themed pencil purchased at Oriental Trading Company.

Jolly Good Time

Have a Jolly Good Time Doing Personal Progress. Attached a Jolly Rancher hard candy.

Get Hooked

Get Hooked On Personal Progress. Attached a small bag of Swedish Fish candy.


Love Personal Progress. Attached a heart-shaped candy lollypop purchased at Oriental Trading Company.

Make Time

Make Time for Personal Progress. Attached a candy watch.

Pencil In Time

Pencil In Time for Personal Progress. Attached a pencil inscribed with the annual YW theme, purchased at Deseret Book.

Polish Up

Polish Up Your Personal Progress. Attached a small nail polish purchased at the local dollar store. Attached with "GLUE DOTS - pop up (3D)".

Reflect "Werth"

Personal Progress "Reflects" Your Divine Nature and Reveals Your Individual "Werth". Attached a small mirror (craft store) and a Werthers Original candy.

Sew Much Fun

Personal Progress Can Be SEW Much Fun. Attached a small sewing kit.

Stick To It

Personal Progress - Stick To It! Attached a package of gum.

Discover Your Divinity

Discovery Your Divinity with Personal Progress. Attached a wrapped piece of homemade divinity candy.


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Take a Mo-MINT today for Personal Progress.
Attached a chocolate mint candy.

Take Note And Post It

Take NOTE and POST-IT. Attached a few pages of shaped Post-It Notes.

Whistle While You Work

Whistle While You Work on Personal Progress. Attached a Whistle Pop.